Aftermath: Brown wins, now what?
Not too bad on the prediction , eh folks? I am a bit bummed out that my candidate of choice failed to get my predicted 3%, but Joe Kennedy ran to the best of his abilities and passionately argued for small government. I applaud him for that and hopefully the 22,000 people who cast their votes will have their voices heard at some point in the future. So now what? Let's go over the good. First of all, as discussed previously some liberals are probably on the verge of a mental breakdown. Always good. It looks like their prediction for the collapse of the GOP has proven to be a bit premature, as this piece from Time aptly suggests: Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over ? So are the Republicans going extinct? And can the death march be stopped? The Washington critiques of the Republican Party as powerless, leaderless and rudderless — the new Donner party — are not very illuminating. Nothing would make Time happier than one party rule....