ObamaCare no longer contains public coverage, why the panic?
ObamaCare has taken an interesting twist with Lieberman's vote coming in as the Medicare expansion comes out. Although expanding Medicare's broken infrastructure to people aged 55 and up would have been catastrophic the remaining legislation raises a lot of questions. With no more public option and no more Medicare expansion, what will this bill accomplish? The cost appears to be the same and the plans to cut Medicare advantage to the tune of hundreds of billions and taxation upon the medical industry for hundreds of billions more. So what is the deal? In a previous article discussing the estimated cost of the ObamaCare at 2.5 trillion an idea was put forth that the existing financial debacle is the primary mover behind ObamaCare. With virtually every progressive idea stripped out of the current version of the Senate bill, what else is left other than a mechanism to raise revenue? Those that will get coverage, will only get coverage due to Med...