Obama signs 410 Billion Omnibus package; earmarks galore!
Unfortunately for us, the Omnibus was signed into law today and it's 8,000+ list of earmarks. I tried reading them, but it is literally thousands of pages from individuals politicians requesting projects. Some of the popular ones like Hawaii starlight research are published all over the Internet , but this bill is earmark heaven, maybe it's the same heaven they are studying in Hawaii? So how does Obama prove he is a liar? A man who originally promised to bring a new wave of accountability to Washington and a new way of doing things is certainly not bringing much change. For one, I am reminded by a news story from Jan 6 th , where he made a very brash statement and I vowed to bring this up. Even though he was specifically referring to the first stimulus package, his words rang clear. The package will set a "new higher standard of accountability, transparency and oversight. We are going to ban all earmarks, the process by which individual members insert projects without rev...