America's financial collapse is at our doorsteps.
Yes, I have written about this before and yes it may even start to sound like the blogger who cried wolf, but for those that are listening the warning signs are piling up. The latest came two days ago in a quiet legislative session where the House quietly mustered another bill to raise the debt level. Surprisingly Republicans have once again formed together and opposed all spending increases in a tight 218-214 vote, Senate will most likely approve. However the AP report does contain information that is especially frightening. Republicans who helped supply votes to increase the debt ceiling just last year _ unanimously opposed the legislation, which is required to issue new debt to pay for federal operations and deposit up to $50 billion into the Social Security trust funds. You see that? This is the same fund that our honest government is claiming exists, the same government that sends out a pretty envelope to every American each year showing them fanc...