
Showing posts from December 30, 2009 undermines Tea Party movement, supports big GOP in Mass.

HotAir is a big voice in the conservative blogsophere and has done much to advance the cause of those wishing to stop and reverse the growth of a large central government.  Unfortunately Hot Air's Ed Morrissey has brashly thrown his weight behind Scott Brown in the Massachusetts special election.  This is disturbing and disheartening for every tea party, small government loving soul in America.   While I certainly cannot blame casual Massachusetts Republicans for getting excited over Brown's possible win over Martha Coakley, it becomes much harder to justify it in the case of Ed whose life revolves around politics and whose message is fundamentally Jeffersonian. In a piece called Where is the national GOP in the Massachusetts special election Ed shows his frustration over the apparent lack of support for Brown, correctly pointing out that in NY-23 the GOP heavily contributed to the liberal Dede while throwing Hoffman under the bus. While Brown is ob...