Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Let's take a moment away from the hustle and bustle of life and celebrate this festive holiday. Despite all the hardships of life there remains much to be thankful for and hopefully you have an opportunity to celebrate with your family and friends. While politics will invariably be a topic of choice during many thanksgiving dinners across the country I would urge most people to put the hot issues of the day aside. In today's America partisanship and bitter strong feelings permeate our every fiber and we should, for our sanity's sake, reserve one day for peace and quiet. However we still have several hours before cooking begins and here are just some things we can all be thankful for. 54 percent of our fellow Americans disapprove of the job Barry is doing. Only 38 percent of our fellow Americans approve of ObamaCare. This pretty much leaves the core liberal base and "should" effectively kill the bill! SNL, the liberal voice...