
Showing posts from January 15, 2009

Ron Paul, the father of modern day conspiracy theorists?

Ron Paul got up in front of Congress and very simply in about two sentences, stated that Israel created Hamas . (Video below) The problem of course is that as a politician he created himself some wiggle room in case he is ever confronted, after all he could spin this in a multitude of ways. He could easily say "Israel never stopped Hamas from forming, therefore they helped create them". Whatever, not the point. What Ron Paul did however is set off a virtual firestorm among his constituency and much more importantly, among the anti-Israeli crowd as if they need any additional encouragement. Just perusing the YouTube videos alone, will give you an indication of how passionate and emboldened his supporters are upon hearing this. They praise him for being a lone voice of reason, a hero, etc. The truth is that Ron Paul is either purposely spreading vague misinformation or somehow - I have a hard time believing this - truly believes this garbage. For now we have the effect ...