
Showing posts from October 18, 2008

Michelle Obama and the October surprise?

This one is getting too juicy to ignore. As you may or may not have heard, apparently Michelle Obama called the African Press International and said some very nasty things, particularly in reference to the Berg v. Obama lawsuit. Here is a quote, full story below. "My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president" Pretty brash, if true... I chose not to follow the story, because it was way too suspicious. I KNOW that Michelle is as crazy of a radical as her husband. She has quoted Alinsky once or twice, said unpatriotic things and is generally viewed by the majority of the public as a nasty individual. Fine. But she is not an idiot. Why would she possibly compromise the presidency of her husband by doing something so utterly reckless? Nothing short of an egomaniaial naracissistic psychopath would do this. Well, apparently API is sticking by their guns. Quite a few people including Jerome Corsi has written to them urging them t...