
Showing posts from March 3, 2009

Zeitgeist the ultimate in conspiracy theories.

If you have been reading any of my articles then you know my general dislike for conspiracy theories and those that espouse them. Specifically Ron Paul's supporters and 9-11 T ruthers the embodiment of everything wrong with tinfoil hat wearing nutcases. I could care less you think there was a 2nd gunman or the bullet was embued with magical properties, but do not accuse our government of killing almost 3,000 of our citizens. Conspiracy theories will always be around us, like festering tumors in the heart of society and I have largely come to terms with that. I have written my theory as to why people turn to this dark "science" and stipulate that an absence of religion must be a primary explanation. For those of you who know me, this might sound hypocritical because I am an atheist, but my atheism does not push me into believing that some shadow organization is trying to control the world. I find it amusing that conspiracy nuts destroy the concept of religion and level a...