My thoughts on the LA Times Video story.
Looks like the LA Times dug themselves a massive hole. For those not familiar with the story - hope you enjoyed your stay under the massive rock - they have a video tape, now known as the Khalidi tape. I have spoken about Rashid Khalidi in my earlier videos and that Obama's relationship with this raging anti-semite is a bit disturbing. Of course the legions of obamacolytes denounce this allegation as guilt by association. Everything to them is guilt by association. If Obama was caught stabbing a homeless man with a knife, they would seriously blame the knife. Anyway, the video is of a dinner where they are saying their byes to Khalidi. Some other notable inidividuals like Edward Said are also there. Clearly a festive occasion for the flag burning, Israel hating types. Now as much as I am curious about this tape, I cannot imagine for the life of me that it can have anything that incriminating. Short of Obama parading around in army boots with a swastika on his arm screamin...