Ron Paul defends Iran's secret nuclear plant.
Unknowing De Facto leader of the 9/11 Truther movement has spoken and again greeted as Nostradamus with impeccable ratings on his newest YouTube video. Ron Paul speaks in platitudes commonly interweaving his opinions and facts in such a manner that distinguishing the two becomes a chore. His followers seldom question the man as doing so would border sacrilege and continue rabidly distributing Paul's speeches so the rest of us can see the light. Sure, Paul has plenty of great ideas and he is probably the only prolific small government politician with a modicum of media exposure, but his legion of followers are youthful for a reason. Paul appeals to their Utopian and rebellious nature in similar fashion Obama captured the other idealistic liberal youth vote, albeit for entirely different reasons. One must always question and be aware of Paul's approach, his absolutist and often simplistic angles both inspire and dull the senses. If he can stand in front of Congress and state wit...