ACORN Documents look incriminating.

Courtesy of the ever diligent Clyde from Patriot Room, ACORN apparently stumbled and left some precious nuts for some legislator to chew on. Computers full of information suggesting violation of organization limitations, vote registration fraud, RICO infractions and all sorts of good stuff. We know some offices have been closing down, but this one apparently emptied out in a hurry and left precious information behind. We will take whatever we can get, ACORN has to be dismantled and investigated just like any other organized outfit.

Not only because they are misusing federal money, but because Congress needs to sever ties with all organizations regardless of party affiliation. Our federal government engages in many activities beyond it's original charter, funding community groups is just a slap in the face. Clyde writes:
Despite the millions of dollars of misused funds, it seems ACORN couldn't
pay the rent at a couple of offices in Oklahoma City. When they vacated, they
left some computers behind. As a testament to the stupidity of criminals
worldwide, the passwords to the computers where written on pieces of paper left
inside a desk.

Somehow these computers and passwords came in to the possession of
state legislator Rep. Mike Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City. And he's getting ready to
release source docs onto the Internet. Makes lots of popcorn - this is going to
be good.


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