
Showing posts from January 12, 2010

Breaking: Coakley up by 2 as Mass. Senate race tightens.

According to the best pollster on the net this race has done the impossible, tightened to a point where a Republican could actually win this.  Coakley (D) is at 49%, Brown (R) is at 47%, Kennedy (I) is at 3% and 2% are still undecided.   This represents an 8% jump for Brown in what appears to be undecided voters breaking for the Republican.  At this point a ripple is spreading through the internet and the country as a whole, expect in a few hours engines firing on all cylinders from the two major parties.  Conservative websites will be all over themselves declaring this race a done deal while prepping for the next Reagan revolution and liberals will be contemplating how to take their own lives in the fastest and most efficient manner.  Sadly another group will be watching idly by, lacking representation and acknowledgment.  This group understands that a Brown victory accomplishes exactly nothing as they watch the two party system dismantl...

Impromptu interview on PatriotRoom discussing Mass. Senate race.

It was sometime yesterday in the evening shortly after I finished watching the debate that I get a call from my friends over at PatriotRoom.  Now our friendship has been strained slightly due to their, what I would call, acolyte-like following of Scott Brown.  Still, Bill and Clyde are two damn fine patriots and unlike the rest of the Republican Blogosphere are willing to listen to an opposing view point.  The call was not them conceding how wrong they were about Scott Brown or finally admitting that they are supporting a big government spending RINO, no it was to ambush me!  Writing in the privacy of my own home is easy, I get to say any asinine thing I wish and almost never deal with the aftermath.  Having two conservatives breathing down your neck as you bash the first Republican possibility coming out of Massachusetts is difficult.  Still, it was a slightly warmer reception than over at FreeRepublic.  For your enjoyment, the audio is below...