
Showing posts from February 11, 2011

Egypt's revolution succeeds in removing Mubarak. A win for Democracy or Socialism?

Today, February 11th of 2011 will surely go down in Egypt's history as a turning point and will perhaps be immortalized as a national holiday.  After more than two weeks of reasonably peaceful protests and striking the Egyptian people have achieved their primary demand, Hosni Mubarak has stepped down.  While this revolution may just be a foot note in western historical texts, what transpired was indeed truly remarkable.  Consider, after thirty years of autocratic rule and a systematic suppression of all opposition a dictator running a police state has been removed by the people!  However as always in this world what meets the eye may not be reality.   First, as I have maintained earlier, my belief is that the underlying reason for what transpired is economic and not because of Mubarak's authoritarian rule.  Media sources describing events in Cairo would often mention that rising food prices and unemployment were problems that Egyptians wanted resolve...