
Showing posts from February 27, 2009

The Obama Deception movie - moonbattery at it's finest.

Someone on facebook (from a conservative group) sent me a link to the Obama Deception movie, a documentary by Alex Jones. This will be coming out on March 15 th and there is a short preview on the website, but no additional information. I watched the preview and frankly, I am a little disturbed. If this is what the conservative/libertarian base is rallying around, then we are stooping lower than Michael Moore, possibly much lower. While I recognize it is dangerous to judge a movie by a preview, the following signs lead me to believe that this not only comes from a Ron Paul supporter, but one of the crazier Ron Paul supporters a distinction probably not worth making anymore. - New World Order mentioned, first sign of a conspiracy nut. - Illuminati and free masonry symbols shown. - Manchurian candidate and shadow control from up and above. I gathered this much from just watching a two minute movie clip. I then researched Alex Jones and found his website, called InfoWars which at firs...