
Showing posts from January 16, 2010

Video: America rising, letter to the Democrats

Check this video out!  Apparently it is being hunted down and like a persistent gnat keeps reappearing all over the Internet.  When will people learn that once on the net always on the net?  The video is powerful indeed (mostly the music) and tragic at the same time.  It first starts off suggesting that the creators were Obama supporters -something about trust and hope and change.  Now they feel betrayed.    My initial question to these people, what potent drug were you smoking/snorting/injecting during the 2008 campaign?  Obama made it very clear that he was the closest thing to Socialism that we have ever seen and you voted for him anyway!   Now you make angry videos and promise a revolution in these coming elections?   Who ever you are, do us a giant favor and stay home!  If you were too stupid to understand what Obama was going to do, then you are still too stupid to understand who to vote for.  Stay home and re...

Video: Two party system.

An excellent video I wanted to share you.  Although I was patiently waiting for a "solution" or a dramatic change in tone/color the authors decided to go all the way with this one. What is particularly striking is the fascist tone via the speech and music.  Conformity is indeed requested and if we atttempt to support the third option then we are labeled fringe.  Sure there are primaries in this country, but these primaries are often dominated by the respective party machines.  Oh well, at least someone is talking about it.