
Showing posts from November 18, 2009

Obama fears debt could cause a double-dip recession?

One would expect to find this headline from Onion news, but apparently Obama indeed warns of a double-dip recession due to mounting debt !!  No sh*t Sherlock!   It has now officially become impossible to take our president seriously, he sounds like a child pure and simple.  Obama's policies alone have piled on more debt that Bush ever did and Obama can claim all day that his administration inherited a mess, but anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size should now realize that our debt problem are due to Obama.  Let's just go from memory to see how our 2009 deficit jumped from 485 billion/year to 1.8 trillion /year - 787 billion dollar stimulus package; we argued against it on the grounds that infusing an economy with more liquidity was not the answer.  We now know the stimulus is riddled with fraud and our economic condition worsened, not improved. - 33 billion  in homebuilder bailouts !!  After the housing bubble do you think...