
Showing posts from February 7, 2009

Time to put pressure on Arlen Specter

We have been given some time to mobilize our efforts and exert additional pressure in stopping the Obama/ Pelosi "stimulus" package. With the tentative deal still on shaky grounds, Harry Reid has pushed the vote to Monday. There is sufficient evidence that Collins can " un -break" ranks and refuse to vote if the Democrat amendments make the bill top heavy. The tentative deal is already larger than the one she agreed to. This is perfect considering this senate term might be her last. However, Arlen Specter is planning to run again in 2010. This is a perfect opportunity to voice your opinion and without sounding like a mafiozo soldier warn him that it might be in his best interest to stick with the GOP this time around. We can forgive him Geithner , SCHIP and everything else he sold conservatives down the river on. Olympia Snowe's next run is not for many years and she is therefore not possible to directly pressure, but if Collins and Specter can be per...

Are there tax cuts in the stimulus bill?

Seems like a simple question, yet the answer differs depending on the source. Firstly, we must at least agree on a definition of tax cuts before we answer the question of what is contained within Spendulus . A tax cut by definition is a payroll reduction where a taxpayer pays less per a certain bracket. It can last for a number of years and could expire, but only this particular arrangement can be classified as a tax cut. The stimulus bill currently being debated in the Senate does not contain tax cuts according to the definition. Instead there are two items that can be best described as tax relief. AMT Tax Patch: This patch is to prevent the Alternative Minimum Tax from hitting the middle class. Congress has been patching the AMT for the past 10 years, because it unfairly targets the middle class, not it's original intention. Because this patch has been a commonplace piece of legislation for the past 10 years does not improve this bill's tax relief capability. Tax cred...

4.1 Billion to Acorn - amendment to thwart, fails.

Yesterday the Senate was debating the merits of the "bi-partisan" efforts after which they voted on several amendments. One that should make every American's blood boil is an amendment proposed to by John Vitter yesterday. It was a very simple amendment, just strip out 4.1 Billion to ACORN. After all, an organization that has so clearly chosen a partisan effort, is being investigated and prosecuted in over 10 states and is by all definition a radical left outfit should NOT be subsidized by taxpayer money. In fact, it is amazing that there is even any discussion here what so ever. The amendment was struck down 51 to 45 . Breakdown of vote: Republicans, all voted AYE. The following Democrats also voted AYE. Sen. Max Baucus [D, MT] Sen. Evan Bayh [D, IN] Sen. Robert Byrd [D, WV] Sen. Kay Hagan [D, NC] Sen. Ben Nelson [D, NE] Sen. Jon Tester [D, MT] (send them a nice note) The rest of the 49 traitors, err, Democrats voted NAY. Note: For those confused by the number. There...