Time to put pressure on Arlen Specter

We have been given some time to mobilize our efforts and exert additional pressure in stopping the Obama/Pelosi "stimulus" package. With the tentative deal still on shaky grounds, Harry Reid has pushed the vote to Monday. There is sufficient evidence that Collins can "un-break" ranks and refuse to vote if the Democrat amendments make the bill top heavy. The tentative deal is already larger than the one she agreed to. This is perfect considering this senate term might be her last.

However, Arlen Specter is planning to run again in 2010. This is a perfect opportunity to voice your opinion and without sounding like a mafiozo soldier warn him that it might be in his best interest to stick with the GOP this time around. We can forgive him Geithner, SCHIP and everything else he sold conservatives down the river on.

Olympia Snowe's next run is not for many years and she is therefore not possible to directly pressure, but if Collins and Specter can be persuaded she will refuse to be the only Republican. At least we could hope :)

His form is here: Specter webform.

This is the letter I wrote, feel free to copy and paste.

Senator Specter,

I am sure you have received numerous letters and phone calls on the stimulus bill that you are supposedly backing. I would like you to seriously reconsider voting for this bill based on a few very simple points. I watched you speak on the Senate floor and it was quite apparent that what you are backing is not something you truly believe in. It is impossible for average Americans to understand what goes on behind closed doors, special deals, arrangements, etc. Your own words however are quite indicative that this bill is trash and you know it. As a Senator, you have one of the most important jobs in America. The phrase "this is the best we can do" when it comes to mortgaging the future of the next two generation is NOT good enough. What private industry would accept "this is the best we can do" when passing the biggest spending project in history?

No industry would EVER accept it. You are playing with fire and there is no way that every single Republican in the House and 37 of your other colleagues are wrong. Not possible. How can you break ranks on something as crucial as this? You want to vote for Geithner? Support SCHIP? Fine. Not every Republican is the same, but this is possibly the biggest piece of legislation of our lifetimes and you are wiling to go with "this is the best we can do?".

Senator, you are running again in 2010. As someone who runs his own conservative blog it is becoming very clear that your support is vanishing faster than you can imagine. There is already a grass-root effort forming to stop you from winning in 2010 even if forces the conservatives of PA to vote for a Democrat. This is a very serious matter and while it is apparent that Senator Collins could care less.

I have no power to threaten, nor is this the best way to conduct business. But ultimately your job depends on the people you represent. The people of America do NOT want this bill. Only 37% of the people support this and most are Democrats. Do not let the Pelosi "we won, we make the rules" bill pass. It is shameful.

Lastly, there is no actual rush. You can always start small and build up! Once this bill goes out the door you have no control of the budget, it's gone! If Joe Biden is right and there is a 30% chance of failure, and it will invariably fail, the risk is too great. Oppose this bill and start from scratch with a REAL bi-partisan effort.



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