The bailout package

I was against this bailout from the start, despite all the smart people warning us that our life would end in an apocalyptic fashion. I would surmise that they all have something to gain, otherwise why would someone like Warren Buffet (who I greatly admire) support a flake like Obama?

In any event, I would like to point out something. Democrats are ONCE AGAIN pushing for a stimulus package. For those unfamiliar, a stimulus package is welfare. It is a circulation of funds to a lower income pool of people that is paid for by a higher income pool. Welfare, k? Now, this last stimulus package was supposed to jump start the economy. It is similar to jump starting a car that is missing a wheel, has a broken muffler and the engine is so rusted it looks like a deep sea find.


But liberals do not give a shit about this country and if they can pander to their voting class then they will give away other people's money until this country becomes the United Socialist Republic States.

HOWEVER, Republicans in the House (sometimes they do have a collective brain) have rejected the proposal. Instead they want to introduce a capital gains tax reduction for houses, tax incentives for companies and expedite drilling. Yet our soon to be Great Leader Obama has brainwashed his minions so thoroughly that Republicans are still considered the root of all evil.

Guys, just follow the current events. Republicans are fighting (somewhat) for this economy. Democrats are fighting for wealth distribution. This is not the solution.

Open up your eyes.


  1. Repugs are in the pocket of the defense industry; the only thing they are fighting for is for their seats in congress. Good riddance.


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