2010 Massachusetts Governor race
We have two organizations that attempt to fight for liberty, choice and freedom.
Citizens for Limited Taxation
Center for Small Government
However these organizations badly need funding and support, something difficult to obtain from people who continue to vote the same liberals into office and then complain about the inefficiency of government.
However in about one year we will have an opportunity to finally stand united and recognize that the expansion of state government has improved the life of only one group of people; state employees. Rest of us poor shmucks are left forking over the bill, bend over here it comes again...
We have an exciting race with very different candidates running, up to date polling information is available on my 2010 Election page.
Democrat: Deval Patrick (Incumbent)
The original hope and change, a youthful and exciting black man became governor two years ago on promises of lowering property taxes and changing Beacon Hill. Never happened of course, worse yet Deval stumbled out of the gate and continues to stumble to this day. Not only did he skip town during his most important piece of legislation to sign a million dollar book deal, Deval has not seen a tax hike proposal he did not like. Extremely weak on illegal immigration, apologizing to INS for busting up a factory full of illegal aliens. Mired in all sorts of scandals, Deval is the prototypical liberal limousine riding around in his fancy $46,000 Cadillac while adorning his mansion with $10,000 curtains. What the hell goes into $10,000 curtains? Gold? Sure, he gave those up, but only after a major stink. Let's not forget the 72k/year aide for his wife, a completely useless job. Deval is everything that is wrong with politics and even though his approval ratings are in the dumps, there are enough Massachusetts residents to give Deval at least 30% of their vote.
Republican: Charlie Baker
Not much is known about this man, other than his savvy business skills. A CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Charlie appears to be someone capable of reigning in our fiscal madness. His website currently has no information about his positions, but if he is a typical Mass. Republican there might not be much to be excited about. More information coming...
Republican: Christy Mihos
Christy ran in the previous election and gained some traction for being a zany and unusual businessman. His positions are extremely favorable to the taxpayer and he seems to give off a strong libertarian aura. Some of his positions include:
- Supports rollback of sales tax back to 5%
- Supports initiative that I am personally involved in: Rollback sales tax to 3%.
- Slash state salaries and jobs to raise 600 million dollars. Yes!
- Stifle NCLB, supports charter schools and school vouchers! Yes!
- Eliminate many toll plazas
- Penalize businesses for illegal immigrant hiring.
- Favors the death penalty. Bad, but not relevant.
- Tort reform and investigation into our insurance premium hikes. Let me give you a hint Christy, it's called RomneyCare. Make a promise to abolish it and you will have my full support.
A democrat turned Independent, Tim has been in politics for decades in our state and is our former State Treasurer. His intent for switching party affiliation is unclear, but I suspect he was planning to run for Governor and wanted to avoid a Democrat primary? However this might be beneficial for the Republicans/Independent as Tim will split the vote with Deval in the general, while Baker/Mihos duke it out in the primary. Tim does not outline his issues, but does say the following in his profile.
Republicans believe in making government smaller. Democrats believe in making
government bigger. I believe in making the government we have work.
Unfortunately, this is not good enough in Massachusetts, our government is already too large. I appreciate Tim's fiscal conservative policy and social liberalism, but his belief in a government working correctly is as misguided as the idea that Socialism would work as long as the right people are in charge. No, unless Tim makes a commitment to reduce government, he is just another Massachusetts Democrat.
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