Government waste at it's finest, 3.4 billion for a useless agency.

In a story from Malkin's blog we get to discover what 3.4 Billion of our hard earned money is used for. Drum roll please? Allow Homeland Security to hold meetings! No, I am not pulling your leg.
“It will help us hold meetings,” Secretary Janet Napolitano said. “It will
help us build that culture of ‘One DHS.’”

We have a serious intelligence problem in this country and I am not talking about the students of UC Berkeley. Rather the unmanageable list of agencies and departments that collect and analyze intelligence, although most of the time not much analyzing is being done. Between the CIA, FBI, ATF, Secret Service, Border Patrol, Army, Navy and Department of Defense we have people up the you know what. Perhaps a central agency struck someone as a good idea and Bush the compassionate conservative felt like growing government was the only rational response to an attack - fine. However stripping half of those agencies of intelligence duties could have just as easily solved the problem of management even though the issue was their failure to analyze what they had, not a lack of intelligence per se.

Why we are giving 3.4 Billiion to an individual who accused returning army personnel of being dangerous right-wing criminals is perplexing at best.


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