How much will the Baucus bill really cost?

According to CATO's Michael Cannon, an individual who devoted years researching and writing about America's health care, over 2 trillion dollars.  Cannon points to missing mandates, Medicare cuts that have traditionally been blocked and new federal spending.  CBO's calculation based on 829 billion dollars was hard to swallow for various reasons.  Cannon uses an already existing model of my own state and our version of ObamaCare more affectionately known as RomneyCare to arrive to the final number. 
But the worst part is that the Congressional Budget Office’s preliminary cost estimate omits the cost of the private sector mandates in the Baucus bill. In Massachusetts, those costs accounted for 60 percent of the total cost of reform. That suggests the actual cost of the Baucus bill – $829 billion plus $75 billion plus $33 billion, times 2.5 – is well over $2 trillion.
This strikes at the core of the main argument, government programs never materialize and never deliver what they originally promise.  Not only does it illustrate CBO's apparent oversight of over 100 billion, but there is no consideration of the carnage that will happen to private insurers and costs to individuals.  Since RomneyCare took hold our premiums jumped by over ten percents doubling the national average.  While liberals would love to vilify private companies profiteering from poor sick Americans they will often completely overlook clear cut examples of government intervention driving up costs in the first place. 


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