ObamaCare is exposing our broken political system! Are you paying attention?

After Ben Nelson sold his principles down the river I posed a theoretical question on FaceBook of whether or not the entire Senate is broken. In a clip below, MS NBC, spends two minutes discussing special interest payoffs, sweetheart deals and special breaks for privileged groups.  I have no idea what is more stunning, the fact that MSNBC is actually reporting this or that our Senators are brazen enough to pull this off.  After the 17th Amendment some 80 years ago the policies and responsibilities of Senators dramatically changed.  Because Senators are now elected by the people they no longer have a responsibility to the country, but to the forces that elect them.  This in turn prompts Senators to ensure that they get re-elected or in the worst case slap their name on a piece of federally funded property thereby establishing their prominence for ages to come.    Has this gotten completely out of control? 

ObamaCare in it's current version is extremely unpopular among the left and the right, scoring a paltry 30 something percent approval ratings.  While every single American can agree that reform is needed, almost every single American also agrees that the current reform proposal is the wrong antidote.  So if the Senators do not care about the people, what higher authority are they serving? 

Senators Bob Nelson, Dodd, Kerry, Sanders, Bill Nelson and even the popular AMA have all been bought.   Sanders vowed not to vote for a bill without a public option, but after getting paid off, quickly shut up.  Nelson was upset about abortion, but after exempting Nebraska from Medicaid payments quickly shut up.   Even Kerry got a sweet Medicaid deal despite the fact that our state already has universal coverage!!  My insurance premiums have skyrocketed in the past few years and wage raises have barely kept up with inflation because of RomneyCare, yet federal tax monies are going to Massachusetts?   All of this is becoming so outrageously disgusting that I fail to see any way by which we can release ourselves from this tyranny.  Without sounding too radical, I don't know if we can physically sit idly by anymore.  I just don't....


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