Liberal economics backfire, Massachusetts sued by insurance companies.

Just after covering yesterday's story about Massachusetts insurance companies being denied the ability to raise rates, we learn today that private business is fighting back.  This is the natural response when government officials place themselves in situations where they do not belong.  Specifically in this case bureaucrats have decided that they know the true cost of coverage and will now be the ultimate arbiter of price.

This of course will not and can not work.  With MassCare hemorrhaging money left and right the inability of insurance companies to extract more money from us via premiums will spell disaster to their bottom lines.  Of course many clueless citizens will welcome this event as this simply paves the way for what liberals wanted all along, a single payer system .
A half-dozen health insurers yesterday filed a lawsuit against the state seeking to reverse last week’s decision by the insurance commissioner to block double-digit premium increases — a ruling they say could leave them with hundreds of millions in losses this year.
Insurers wanted to raise base rates an average of 8 percent to 32 percent; tacked on to that are often additional costs calculated according to factors such as the size and age of the workforce.
Yeah. A 32% hike would definitely sting a little and will have exposed the true nature of universal coverage, it does not work!!  So instead, Massachusetts politicians fearing a replica of California decided that the best way to deal with excessive price increases, is to, well, not have them. 

Economics are so much fun when you get to permanently entrench yourself in make belief land, hell, this would be kind of funny but unfortunately they are playing with our lives here. 

Let us not forget please how we got in to this situation in the first place.  Republicans.  It was under the supervision and management of Mitt Romney, along with Scott "I helped write MassCare" Brown and the coalition of some of the most progressive Democrats in this state including Ted "Socialism would work if I ran it" Kennedy.   This is a reminder that must be made repeatedly until it sinks deep into your gray matter and something you should bring with you to the polls in November.

They have laid down their legacy and moved on with their careers while the rest of us suffer.  Every single one of these people who created this living hell for us are completely exempt from the mess they created as they enjoy the benefits of taxpayer FUNDED health care benefits designed solely for politicians.   How does that sound to you?  First they raid us and pad their own nests and then in the name of benevolence manipulate, tinker and destroy our system knowing perfectly well there will be legions of liberal zombies clamoring for MORE government intervention while cursing the existence of "greedy insurance companies". 

Look at the string of comments if you do not believe me or maybe you are one of the hopeless souls yourself.  Please pick up a basic text on economics or use common sense, because it's getting mighty uncomfortable here.


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