Is Barack Obama a Marxist?

This seems to be the most popular question these days and with Joe Biden banning TV stations from asking tough questions - Americans are interested in the latest hype.

Some distinctly remember how the word 'liberal' sank Dukakis, democrats also remember! Right now they call themselves progressives, because it sounds better.
Make no mistake, progressive and liberal is the exact same thing. They might not advocate outright corporate ownership as that would imply communism more than anything, but they do want to spread your wealth around and grow our already bloated government. How Obama can deny that he is proposing wealth distribution when HE himself said to the now famous Joe the Plumber that we should "spread the wealth around". How stupid does the think we are?

Still, there are more sinister ties to Mr. Obama. His New Party endorsement that he asked for is a direct relationship to Marxists and communists. His relationship to William Ayers is interesting in more than just the terrorism aspect, but Ayers is a self-proclaimed small 'c' communist! He attended a church where black liberation theology was preached. Do you know what BLT is? No, it is not a tasty sandwich.

It is a perverted idealogy that is founded on Marxism. They teach and preach class warfare through the prism of race. Look it up - be disturbed. Even if I give Obama the biggest benefit of the doubt and BELIEVE that he never heard Wright's preaching of hate, then he definitely heard BLT.

Obama is endorsed by the Communist USA party and has brought out more support, donations and participation than any other candidate in history of the party.

Obama proposes more and more government expansion and a more progressive tax system.

Obama is the closest thing to a Marxist that we ever had running for president of the United States. His victory would represent a disturbing, alarming and upsetting move in the WRONG direction.

A video of mine I made a month ago on the subject:


  1. I have a burning question no one seems to be talking about. Obama obviously does not like the Constitution. If elected, how would he take the oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?” Except by lying. Under oath.

  2. That is a very good question indeed, he openly criticized our Constitution and wishes to make drastic changes via legislation.

    The only thing he will defend in office are his Marxist roots.


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