Media, will the real objective source please stand up?

In this election season there has been a surge in participation, from youth to minorities to those who never cared to vote. With this surge comes a natural desire to learn and gather information - not for everyone, but for many.

Interestingly enough the choice of information even in this great country of ours is not as vast as one would think. The media is split and traditional journalism is lost somewhere in the fray. From a casual observer's standpoint I see two major TV networks; CNN and Fox News. Ignoring for now local papers and internet, let us assume that most Americans get their news information from the aforementioned sources.

Both conservatives and liberals however, vehemently accuse both networks of extreme bias. Those in the middle have to choose which source is the legitimate source for their political and daily needs. I am noticing that CNN emerges as the status quo of the neutral. That assesment not withstanding it's consequence immediately shuts the door for many individuals.

Why? If one decides for whatever reason that CNN is the only source of legitimate information that means all other stories are invalidated. This is wrong. Take Fox News for example, nothing arouses more anger and venom within liberals than hearing the name Fox News some have lovingly began calling it Faux News. Regardless of what you think about their lean - which is a self-admitted conservative - how does it invalidate the facts? They report the story, you can determine FOR YOURSELF whether the story is important or not. They will try to put a spin on it for their own personal views, but so does everyone. Journalism is a romanticized concept that if ever existed has long been perverted by money and power.

Consider the following recent developments:

CNN dismantled and destroyed Joe the Plumber. Is that really relevant? Does it matter whether he paid his taxes or not?
CNN runs more stories on Palin's negatives than they do on Obama. You would think Palin is running for president.
Fox has done specials on numerous Obama connections. You would think he is a terrorist.
Fox has done extensive research and reporting on ACORN, etc.
You would think that our entire country is under attack from ACORN.
Blogosphere has everything from conspiracy theories to obscure facts. I don't know anyone that strictly relies on this news source...

In just that example, if you followed strictly one or the other - you are doing yourself a great disservice. For whatever reason the networks decided that some stories are more important than others. I would doubt that any rational American would argue that CNN desires for an Obama presidency and vice versa for Fox.
Why has our society reached a point where we are too lazy to disseminate our own information? Everything must be delivered quickly and in one location! A one stop shop for news sort of speak. Our phones have becomes our cameras, computers, calendars and watches. Short of feeding and defending us, our phones can already do everything. We have become a society of the all-in-one.

Unfortunately if you treat your news source in the same fashion, you are no better off than Soviet citizens of old reading Pravda. Certainly seemed legitimate did it not?


  1. It is a huge problem. Fox does lean to the right but CNN MSNBC and the other major networks tend to lean far left. Fox has more viewers than both CNN and MSNBC combined.

    I think things like the drudge report, that give multiple sources are the best bet to get balenced coverege.

  2. MSNBC is in the toilet completely, that thrill that went up Matthew's leg was a message that his ratings are going down.

  3. Unfortunately Savage is right in his cautious prediction. In this case failure is the worst scenario. For people like myself it would be extremely desirable if Mr.Berg's heroic effort has a solid faundation. Sometimes you have to be lucky. Thanks for your blog.


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