Obama and McCain on taxes

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...

Obama is singing some very pretty tunes, he sure makes his tax plan sound delicious. Certainly the prospect of punishing the rich and rewarding everyone else taps into the heart of every socialist soul out there.

Sure, he is going to grow government faster than anyone since FDR, but who cares? At least those pesky wealthy bastards get what they deserve! I mean, gosh, look at the wealth disparity. The rich are getting richer and...well...I don't know why, but apparently the poor are getting poorer. Right on.

Obama accuses McCain of being more of the same. Really? Let's see. McCain is refusing to punish the rich and spread wealth. Refuses to grow the government. Refuses to believe that the only way this country can get ahead is if we spread some money around. I guess Obama is right, he is more of the same. Not sure what he means by same, but it sounds bad.

I can at least get people to agree that more government is not the solution, right? After all, everything the govt touches usually turns to crap. So why would you want to allow the govt to take in more money? To do what? Create more wonderful programs like Social Security? What a winner that is!

But taxing the wealthy is very similar to pouring hot water on an ant hill. You don't kill any ants, you just spread them around all over the place. But alas, wish it was so simple. The middle class takes the burden, always have and always will. Liberals laugh at trickle-down economics, but when virtually every tax hike on the rich results in the middle class forking over more cash - they are nowhere to be found. History has a nagging tendency to be right. Why do so many insist on ignoring it?

My latest video on the matter:


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