Pennsylvania - You gave birth to the constitution, please don't abort it.

As someone who attended Pennsylvania State University and spent a considerable time at the Keystone state, I want to make an appeal.

There are two very important things that all citizens of this crucial state must do. First and foremost, recognize that an Obama presidency - if you so allow it - would be a most cruel twist of fate. Secondly, send John Murtha packing.

Let me explain; Pennsylvania right now is in a precarious spot. It offers a powerhouse of 21 electoral votes, more than a combination of three highly contested swing states of: New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. Obama represents a threat to the constitution in more ways than one. A man who has not even proven that he is a citizen - and I am well aware of the birth certificate on his website - are you well aware that several graphic artists claim it is fake? A man who can raise 600 million dollars, but instead prefers to battle a two month lawsuit instead of showing a little piece of paper? It occurs to me that only the guilty would hide behind lawyers. Furthermore PA would emerge as the battered wife. When Obama says the following:

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations"

He said that about YOU, Pennsylvania. Yes, he apologized. But after the abusive husband smacks the daylight out of his "loving" wife, he is usually quick to apologize too.

As if Pennsylvanians have not heard enough, just as they are brushing off the bitch-slap from Obama, Murtha comes along and lands a kidney shot by suggesting that that people who support him are racists and rednecks. Double whammy!

Instead, PA has a different choice this time. A congressman who is actually in touch and not an age old corrupt relic. William Russell for PA Congress

So while Obama suspends his campaign to visit his grandmother with whom he has not taken a picture with for over 25 years, Pennsylvanians have a decision to make.


  1. To the person commenting before me - seek help please.

    The only racists that we have seen this election are those coming from the Democrat party. You sound like a bitter minority that is relishing the opportunity when you can get your revenge back on the mean white people. Disgusting.


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