Congress is not completely void of responsible individuals.

Watch this!!! GOP Sen. Jim Inhofe’s S. 3683

As you watch this, ask yourself the following questions.

1) Do you disagree with him? If so, why?
2) Are you angry? If so, write to YOUR congressman.
3) Since the first bailout, has our economy improved?

The thought process is very simple here. America is on the brink of performing the most atrocious anti-free market, anti-capitalist hari-kari in it's history. While government has never demonstrated it's aptitude in handling the functions of private industry, it has on the contrary demonstrated corruption, fraud, mismanagement and waste. Instead of letting the market take it's natural course - like we have done 98% of the time - we instead rely on intervention out of fear and ignorance. This has the potential to create an economic devastation beyond any that we have seen before.

As citizens, do what you can to ensure this bill passes.


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