My post election thoughts

I have put them in a video. Why not, right? Short and sweet.


  1. Nice analysis. I want to thank you for your passion for our country. It's very refreshing to connect with another conservative voice swimming with us in a sea of liberal algae. :)

    Still - I take minor exception to a couple of your points, however. Firstly, religion must never be dismissed or discounted as a conservative. Our founding fathers treasured their faith and I believe it guided them to higher purpose and focus in shaping America. I believe God continues to inspire and guide the actions of humble, faith-based leaders. Like it or not, this nation was founded with clearly Judeo-Christian values. We must never lose perspective and marvel only with ourselves in shaping the country to conservatism. I think being an American is advanced citizenship unique in this world that would never have survived without some true Intelligent Design.

    Secondly, if we are to ever to rebuild the conservative movement, we must first unite behind the simple premise of identifying the enemy. What has pandering to leftists or reaching out across the aisle to the Democrats (themselves bankrupt as much morally as they are intellectually) ever accomplished for the GOP? Defeat! What has moving to the center in the spirit of bi-partisonship ever done for McCain? What did it do for the conservative movement and our ideas? Defeat! Thank God we still have the filibuster - but even this isn't a sure thing - given the percentage of clearly moderate or leftist Republicans still serving on the Senate. McCain himself has already began ingratiating himself with his liberal colleagues in Congress. It sickens me, frankly to watch him extend his hand in friendship again to the Marxists, while the blood is still dripping from the knife wounds in his back.

    Ah well ... McCain was a long shot at best to succeed on Tuesday. He came too late to the game to seize the political capital that investigation on Ayers / Wright and B. Hussein's education & radical ascent to power would have provided. And though it's not politically correct to do so - it was and still is important to monitor the lie I believe Obama manifests in his claim to Christianity. Now that he's elected, it's only a matter of time before the Islamic relationships and foreign money and interests are exposed.

    I will NOT graciously acquiesce to a man who will severely weaken the troops he was elected to command. With Victory in sight in Iraq, he will turn tail and forfeit - pulling us out of Iraq and denigrating the lives that were sacrificed to free a nation from a madman dictator. I will NOT graciously acquiesce to a man who will destroy the American financial system as we know it. I will not graciously acquiesce to a man who thinks it's ok to let a newborn baby die on a table after a botched abortion. I will NOT graciously acquiesce to mind-numbed, ignorant drones who think "change" means more money in their pockets believing the government is going to lower their taxes. The way the drones rattle on in Obama-chants, you'd think they were having his friggin baby! I will NOT graciously acquiesce to the most corrupt, and biggest pack of liars I have ever witnessed; while the Main Stream Media - still in the throws of ecstasy over the election do NOTHING to discredit their Chosen One. No, sir - I will not let the cancer of liberalism destroy my country. We must never compromise our principles to political correctness. B. Hussein is the most liberal, inexperienced jackass to be handed American levers of power in the history of the United States. I will never concede the ideas I know will work to the wolves who would devour them in a heartbeat.

    Anyway - thanks again for your analyses. I've given you more than a sample of mine.




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