Religion and it's role in the political right.

Some people have taken an objection to my rejection of religion within the new conservative movement in my last reaction video. I should have been clearer, much clearer - let me take the opportunity.

I hold religion responsible for a lot of evils that have been put forth on this earth. Starting from the Crusades, rampant anti-semitism and the absolute terror that Islam has created. There are examples of religious conflicts that are too many to list, including the inevitable anger that some readers are probably experiencing. To me, religion is a personal matter. Unfortunately for too many people it is a global matter. Those who believe take offense to those that do not! That is a problem and is often a root cause of multiple conflicts.

Religion has also become less and less effective in explaining worldly events and therefore the influence of the church has diminished and will continue to diminish. An example I often use in arguing this point is the following; At one point the church explained that the stars were heaven and that is where people ascended, the explanation made sense. Then science came along and introduced the solar system utilizing advanced in technology. The church did not like that very much, but facts have a pesky way of sticking around. Eventually the church changed their position and no longer referred to stars as the heaven - at least not in any practical manner. The church would have preferred to continue it's charade, but education made the feat impossible. So you see, at one point religion was able to explain many events and that gave them power, knowledge is power. Science has eroded this power and the influence of the church has fallen.

But here is the kicker. I encourage religion, because it is my personal belief that there are many people that require a faith for personal, emotional and mental reasons. An absence of religion has coincidentally created one of the most pervasive evils of the 20th century - communism/fascism/socialism. In America especially where the separation of state and church is so profound, a lot of Americans do not consider religion to be a focal aspect of politics and rightfully so. However a lot of Americans still believe in personal freedom and individual liberties - those virtues will never weaken - and we should fight for them.

While I agree that religious conservatives need to play a role in the new movement, we must be careful in recognizing that this may not be the general interest of this country. That does not mean that people should abandon their religion, god no! I want you to appreciate that I may not believe or follow your god, but that we are still fighting for the same cause. Too many times I have explained my position to people of the same political alliance only to have them tell me that I must find god. Do they not realize that this is extremely frustrating and alienating?

The world is an ever changing landscape and if we do not adapt and unite then we will be hijacked by the liberal left. 2008 is their year, but if we do not make the necessary changes - their victory will last much longer than it should be.

I hope that clarified my position.


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