Obama "I screwed up"
While CNN is swooning over Obama's humbling commentary, I can't help but wonder what would have been their reaction had Bush uttered those very same words. Frankly, he did screw up and not because of Daschle, but because he had three people bow out and our Secretary of Treasury is a tax cheat. Especially after doing a complete 180 after claiming that he is standing behind Daschle literally the day before! Bad judgment much?
If I recall, using the word 'screw' was not even acceptable in middle school, I guess those same standards do not apply for - I don't know - just the highest office in the country!? But leave it to the MSM to highlight the wonderful attributes of dear leader.
I personally find the statement extremely crass and hardly presidential. Perhaps I am suffering from a minor case of Obama Derangement Syndrome, but I have a hunch that this kind of rhetoric makes dear leader look goofy and vulnerable.
Feel free to disagree, I am interested in your opinion.
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