Glenn Beck is right, McCain would have been worse than theory.

Here is a short clip of Glenn Beck in his usual quirky and odd fashion telling Katie Couric that McCain would have been worse for the country than Obama. I have actually said this and maybe even written it as soon as Obama got elected. On it's face, a progressive hardcore leftist like Obama is dangerous especially in conjunction with the likes of Pelosi and Reid. However, McCain would have been very dangerous for the same reason Bush was dangerous to the right. To truly appreciate what I think Beck is trying to say hinges on the understanding of America's propensity to label incorrectly and make brash conclusions. Americans do not seem to understand that 'Republican' is just a political label and the ideology differs dramatically within the party. Some Republicans are actually more liberal than Democrats on issues that truly matter.

Bush expanded government faster than Clinton ever did, spent like a drunken sailor and brushed aside conservative/libertarian ideals as if they no longer mattered. He felt his compassionate conservatism was the movement that people wanted, but the people rejected this movement meanwhile not understanding that the very thing they were rejecting -- was liberalism. McCain would have further exacerbated this tragic misunderstanding and would have driven the GOP so far into the ground that come 2012 we would have candidates making Obama look like a moderate. That aside, what we are experiencing now is extremely scary - a liberal tsunami is washing over our country. Between the Stimulus, Cap and Trade, Health Reform, racial overtones, ACORN/NEA scandals, GM takeover, foreign debacles and defense cuts there is a constant sense of pressure, something we would not experience with McCain. Yet it's this very same complacency that allowed Bush to sneak his liberalism under the guise of conservatism which ultimately resulted in Obama.


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