Yom Kippur and Jews have much to repent about.
Today is the start of our most holiest holiday and an opportunity for us to repent our sins. This will not be a self flagellation, but rather advice to 78% of you. Same 78% of you who voted for Obama despite the most obvious and egregious radicalism displayed by any presidential candidate in our history. Today is the time you think about your position in America and where your loyalties lie. Nine months have passed and what was obvious to the 22% of us one year ago should be as clear as day by now. Liberals no longer represent us nor do they act in our best interest. In fact the entire Democrat party for which you have foolishly sworn allegiance to has been spitting in your face for decades. They do not care about our religion, do not care about our history, do not care about Israel and do not care about the rampant anti-Semitism due to "radical" Islam. Just like the Democrats no longer fight for the middle class, they no longer represent American Jewry and it's time you acknowledge what has become fact to so many of us.
Liberalism is just a political ideology, but to many of you it has replaced Judaism and is your new De facto religion . You are blinded by a belief and a movement that has the capacity to hurt so many regardless of how many examples are provided to the contrary. Government benevolence does not work, distribution does not work, regulation does not work, handouts do not work, price controls do not work and appeasement does not work. Ask yourself the following.
Why is it that our best friends of Israel tend to be conservatives?
Why is it that most virulent anti-Semites are radical Muslims and terrorists, yet only conservatives are brave enough to call them so?
Why is it that conservatives defend Judaism, the one common cohesive force keeping Jewry together?
Why is it that conservatives denounce evil conspiracies involving Jews?
Why is it that you continue to give your life, money and hard work to forces that despise and hate you?
We are truly the most remarkably gifted ethnic minority and at the same time the absolute stupidest. You were on the wrong side of history in Communist Russia when the Bolsheviks enslaved millions. You were on the wrong side of history with FDR when he turned away a ship full of Jews and ignored Auschwitz. You are the wrong side of history AGAIN by supporting a man who is willing to throw Israel under the bus. You are on the wrong side supporting expansion of government control and domination of people's liberties an antithesis of all that is American.
For the love of all that is holy, wake up before it's too late.
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