Is America going to declare war on Iran?

Outrageous?  Afraid not, according to Stratfor two leaks to two very reputable papers have established a disturbing piece of information;  Russian scientists are assisting the Iranians with nuclear weapon creation.  If these leaks are credible and they appear to be so, the situation with Iran has dramatically worsened.  While Iran was a mere nuisance in the Middle East, they have now catapulted themselves as a credible threat and a threat that must be dealt with.  There are several explanations and outcomes in the next year that could give us clues as to what might transpire.

First, Russians were always wary of American presence in the region and understand that American bases tend to be built and seldom dismantled.  They also understand that Iraq was fought to gain dominance in the region and put pressure on rogue states to deal with their radical elements, arguably this is proving to be very effective and the Russians are worried.  What better way to destabilize the American dominance then to create a counterweight in the form of a nuclear Iran?  Now that they have been caught by Israeli intelligence, their hand will be forced.  Reprimand the scientists and impose significant sanctions on Iran or play dumb.  Depending on how far the Russians would like to push their luck there could be a joint war on Iran by American/Israeli forces.  What may be equally interesting is how much support whether in secret or public Americans will get, because a country like Saudi Arabia would hate to see a nuclear Iran and would not at all mind to see Iranian oil get compromised.   Are Americans planning for war? 

It would appear that a longterm strategy is being played out via Afghanistan.  In a previous discussion, the question was raised about the recent request from McChrystal asking for 40,000 troops and how little sense it made.  After all, why send troops into a country that we never intended to occupy and never intended to stabilize.  We kicked out Al Qaeda and they won't be coming back for a very long time - so could there be another possibility?  Yes, Iran.  Sending 40,000 troops under the guise of stabilization or even hunting Osama on the Pakistani border could convince enough Americans - but it would accomplish one other thing.  Iran would be surrounded from both sides and can be peppered with air strike from east and west.  Obama mentioned Afghanistan years ago during the campaign when things appeared to be stable, perhaps a strategy against Iran was long in the making?

While a third war may sound ludicrous it would send an absolutely unquestionable message to any country and any regime that America is crazy, crazy like a fox.  Not only would crackdowns of terrorism intensify, but abandoning rogue weapons program would become a question of survival.  America would then have a massive line starting with Iraq and ending in Afghanistan, a line of dominance and a free hand at dispensing justice where it sees fit.  Hell, it might even inspire the ISI and Pakistani military sympathetic to the Taliban to make a move into the tribal regions once and for all.  Certainly much of this is based on speculation, but it's never too early to ask questions and be skeptical - especially when the government is in charge.


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