New York-23, a race worthy of your attention.

House races are typically not worth mentioning considering the overwhelming number of them, but what is brewing in New York's 23rd district has possibly reverberations for the entire GOP and the country as a whole.  A proverbial schism appears to be underway, a shakeup much needed for the defunct Republican party.  This race is a microcosm of the out of touch Republican leadership clashing head to head with true small government citizens and the result of this race will pave the way for the future for conservatives/libertarians/independents. 

The scoop.

Dede Scozzafava a state assemblywoman and republican is facing Doug Hoffman of the Conservative party.  Scozzafava has officially been endorsed by the top leadership of the Republican party including heavyweights like New Gingrich Why this race has garnered national attention is due to the endorsements received by Hoffman a whose who of outsiders and known small government advocates like; Palin, Forbes, Santorum and Bachmann among many others.  While a social conservative component is clearly at play, the opposition to Scozzafava is being listed as fiscally liberal policies including backing the stimulus, supporting cash for clunkers and close ties to labor unions.  To make matters worse she even got the nod from the Daily Kos, one of the most liberal blogs on the Internet. 

The possible outcome.

Newt Gingrich has come out and explained his position very clearly.  He acknowledges Scozzafava  may not be the most ideal candidate, but he is focusing on maintaining and supporting a large Republican tent in order to defeat the spread of liberalism put forth by the likes Reid, Pelosi and Obama.  He is fearful that by endorsing the third party (even if he is Conservative) this will open the flood gates to third party candidates who will invariably split the vote with the GOP resulting in an inevitable victory for the Democrats.  Despite what some may think, this is extremely poor logic and demonstrates why so many people believe the GOP is out of touch. 

Newt wants a viable party with enough power to challenge the Democrats, fine.  Unfortunately he is willing to sell his soul down the river in order to maintain this power and this action alone is deplorable.  In fact, he basically goes so far as to admit that the GOP no longer represents an actual opposition party and other than some social matters has become indistinguishable from the Democrats.  Even that element is in question with the support of Scozzafava.  Newt understands that the GOP no longer offers people a choice between large and small government and this is precisely why he and the rest of the liberal Republicans must be defeated.  In fact he flat out contradicts himself by claiming he wishes the prevent the Democrats from spreading government and then supporting the likes of Scozzafava.

If Scozzafava wins, this would confirm the GOP's out of touch theory which can have devastating consequences.  We have already seen that most Americans judge a politician by his/her label by rejecting conservatism after Bush's dismal failures.  A failure to realize Bush's liberal agenda is precisely the reason why the GOP in their current form cannot be allowed to succeed.  People will simply be driven further to large government politicians (like Obama) believing falsely their vote is a referendum on small government politics. 

If Hoffman wins, then perhaps Newt's fear will come true and third party candidates will be able to run with the endorsement of big names and their respective monetary networks.  Perhaps the media will then acknowledge that bi-partisan politics is not the only solution for America and shrinking government can provide real solutions to our struggling country.

In Conclusion.

The people in power in the Republican party no longer represent you and have not done so in decades.  If the only choice is a big government Republican or a bigger government Democrat then there is no choice at all.  Voting for the less of the two evils is a pathetic way to vote and simply undermines the entire process.   Give Newt Gingrich the one thing he fears, GOP losing power - so let it be.   We are much better off having Democrats run this country into the ground and a real party form out of genuine discontent, not lip service by power hungry politicians.


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