Why was Chicago rejected for the Olympics?

Oama and his wife flew to Copenhagen, Denmark to convince the International Olympic Committee in choosing Chicago as the 2016 site of the Olympic Games. Instead, Obama was served on a platter and Chicago rejected in the first round with such force that it literally knocked the wind out of the windy city. For what it's worth, I do feel bad for all the Chicago residents who poured time and money into this project and wanted so badly to host the Olympic games. 100 million dollars is a hefty price to pay for such a profound rejection. So why did the IOC reject Chicago? After all, they should have been honored that for the first time in American history a president and wife personally appeared on behalf of Obama the American people.

 So what are the reasons for this swift rejection?

1) Chicago is the most corrupt city in America. Consider:
Bonus Explainer: How do we know that Chicago's so corrupt? The most straightforward way to measure corruption is to check the number of convicted local officials. Between 1995 and 2004, 469 politicians from the federal district of Northern Illinois were found guilty of corruption. The only districts with higher tallies were central California (which includes L.A.), and southern Florida (which includes Miami). Eastern Louisiana (and New Orleans) rank somewhat further down the list.
2) Chicago is a violent city.  Murder rates topping national averages despite one of the toughest gun laws in the nation.  Recent videos showing an honor kid brutally beaten to death with a two by four does not enhance the city's image.

3) Obama's corruption.  Perhaps the IOC is not aware or perhaps they are, but we can't ignore who stood to benefit from the Olympics.  More than half of Chicago residents did NOT want to host the games, one must consider White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic and Youth Sport office run by no other than Obama's BFF Valerie Jarrett.  Valerie Jarrett got a tidy sum securing deals for public housing in Grove Parc and walked away stinking rich while Grove Parc rotted until being condemned.   I doubt the Europeans ignored the debacle with Van Jones and entrusting their precious games to a pack of cronies could have been a serious sticking point.

Ultimately the rejection leaves America looking humiliated.  On one hand we should be somewhat dismayed at how abruptly we were tossed aside, on the other hand a sweet amount of justice was administered today.  Obama spent almost 1.4 million dollars of our money in doing something he should never have done only to be rejected like a geek asking out a cheerleader for the High School prom.  Impossible to even justify this "investment" considering that the Olympic games would have put Chicago in the red, as hosting these games is always a losing proposition.  No, Obama went to lobby on behalf of his own self worth and because the fix was already in.   The international community is growing tired of Obama's arrogance and violating precedence on the account of a huge ego does not sit well with the Europeans.  We were humiliated because that is precisely what the Europeans wanted to do, seeing past Obama's shiny fake exterior.  When will the rest of America finally wake up? 


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