ObamaCare and Congress, no surprises there.
Glancing around the blogosphere it seems that conservatives and libertarians are once again in a collective rage over the inevitable passing of ObamaCare. Yes, there is plenty to be angry about and the depth to which our politicians are stooping is surprising even the most seasoned pundits. However this surprise is only shared by those individuals who believe our Congress is acting at the behest of a populace upset with our current health care system. This is simply incorrect, ObamaCare has very little to do with health care. Latest polling data suggests that a higher percentage of people oppose ObamaCare than the percentage Obama received in November of 2008. 54% of Americans oppose this piece of legislation, with 45% strongly opposing it.
Now, this was the point I repeatedly brought up during the special election in Massachusetts, when Republican superstar Scott Brown pledged to stop ObamaCare. In fact this issue was a cornerstone of his campaign to such an extent that many people believed Brown's election was the death of ObamaCare. I wrote back then that Brown will not stop this legislation and voting for him solely based on that desire is a waste of a vote and an abandonment of one's principles. Yes, this would be a blatant "i told you so", but considering how many so-called "conservative" websites banned me, one would think a little gloating is acceptable.
In a piece I wrote in October of 2009, called Obama is smoke and mirrors, I pushed forward a theory that ObamaCare is being used a means to mop up short term deficit problems. Of course the theory never gained much traction, but I have very little doubt that this is the primary motivation.
In fact if people understood the true motivation, then perhaps there will be less angst and heart ache over what is happening in CONgress now. Consider the following:
1) Majority of Americans are content with our screwed up health care system
2) Majority of Americans are OPPOSED to this legislation
3) ObamaCare, according to the CBO, will RAISE deficits.
4) ObamaCare, will NOT reduce costs for most people.
5) ObamaCare, will raise revenue first and create programs later (in 4 years).
Without even delving into details, do you really have any other questions? We are looking at record deficits thanks to the Bush years and one year of Democrat super majority. ObamaCare will generate hundreds of billions in new revenue. Last I checked, two plus two equals four.
Our politicians are fully cognizant that some serious shit is about to hit a very large fan and are trying to minimize splatter damage. This will buy them some time, although most will probably be booted out in November when the next set of jackals take their place and continue to plunder what is left of this nation. This is because Americans are largely incapable of reading the writing on the wall and will almost predictably vote out the Democrats and vote in the Republicans. For decades the answer to all our problems has been the laughable ricochet between the two major parties, an action that yields predictable results.
Because neither party is able to do the only proper and righteous thing, reduce government involvement in all areas where their involvement is either unconstitutional or unnecessary.
So, America, until you start sending candidates who promise to do just that, there will be more pain and ObamaCare will merely be the beginning of what is shaping up to be a very long and painful journey.
Now, this was the point I repeatedly brought up during the special election in Massachusetts, when Republican superstar Scott Brown pledged to stop ObamaCare. In fact this issue was a cornerstone of his campaign to such an extent that many people believed Brown's election was the death of ObamaCare. I wrote back then that Brown will not stop this legislation and voting for him solely based on that desire is a waste of a vote and an abandonment of one's principles. Yes, this would be a blatant "i told you so", but considering how many so-called "conservative" websites banned me, one would think a little gloating is acceptable.
"By the way, Democrats striking a deal to exempt labor unions from the Cadillac tax means that the current version will be accepted by the House - in other words, Brown's vote will be entirely and utterly useless. At this rate a vote for Joe Kennedy, the only candidate promising to repeal ObamaCare is the only sensible solution."Prescient. So how did I know that? Do I have a direct line to Pelosi? Magic? Undying pessimism? No. It is because ObamaCare has very little to do with reforming our health care.
In a piece I wrote in October of 2009, called Obama is smoke and mirrors, I pushed forward a theory that ObamaCare is being used a means to mop up short term deficit problems. Of course the theory never gained much traction, but I have very little doubt that this is the primary motivation.
In fact if people understood the true motivation, then perhaps there will be less angst and heart ache over what is happening in CONgress now. Consider the following:
1) Majority of Americans are content with our screwed up health care system
2) Majority of Americans are OPPOSED to this legislation
3) ObamaCare, according to the CBO, will RAISE deficits.
4) ObamaCare, will NOT reduce costs for most people.
5) ObamaCare, will raise revenue first and create programs later (in 4 years).
Without even delving into details, do you really have any other questions? We are looking at record deficits thanks to the Bush years and one year of Democrat super majority. ObamaCare will generate hundreds of billions in new revenue. Last I checked, two plus two equals four.
Our politicians are fully cognizant that some serious shit is about to hit a very large fan and are trying to minimize splatter damage. This will buy them some time, although most will probably be booted out in November when the next set of jackals take their place and continue to plunder what is left of this nation. This is because Americans are largely incapable of reading the writing on the wall and will almost predictably vote out the Democrats and vote in the Republicans. For decades the answer to all our problems has been the laughable ricochet between the two major parties, an action that yields predictable results.
Because neither party is able to do the only proper and righteous thing, reduce government involvement in all areas where their involvement is either unconstitutional or unnecessary.
So, America, until you start sending candidates who promise to do just that, there will be more pain and ObamaCare will merely be the beginning of what is shaping up to be a very long and painful journey.
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