Hey Karl Rove...shut the hell up?

This miserable little toad is absolutely incredible.   Despite his immense intelligence and political prowess what Rove is doing right now is truly mind boggling. (Video below)

Initially Rove spoke out against Christine O'Donnell in Delaware while predicting her loss, fine he is entitled. But then continued his animosity towards her on Hannity on the night O'Donnel crushed Mike Castle.

Of course by speaking out against the better candidate Rove implicitly endorses the liberal Republican and the establishment instead of someone who pledged to stem the ever expanding federal government.  Rove right now has positioned himself in a manner that places him completely out of touch with the constituency that he supposedly is trying to represent.

See, one could certainly forgive him backing Castle because many power hungry Republicans are still hell bent on winning and are willing to trade in values, principles, first-borns and souls to achieve that goal.  What is entirely not forgivable is to go on public television, not once, but twice and spit on the collective decision of Delawarians when unity is the only thing that matters now.  Meanwhile recession strapped Americans are pouring cash into O'Donnell coffers so quickly her site is crashing!

Delaware Republicans said 'HELL NO' to Mike Castle and instead of supporting that decision Rove bashes O'Donnell while reciting her entirely irrelevant, albeit shady financial path.  Hell, with friends like these, who needs enemies?  At this the Democrats must be overflowing with joy, not only do they have a better chance at winning Delaware, but Republican strategists are doing all the dirty work!   Good job Rove you elitist prick.


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