Video: Republicans are not serious about spending.

Another resolution passed in the House to continue funding vital Government services including 6 Billion in cuts.  This time, unlike the previous from two weeks ago was met with more skepticism as over fifty Republicans voted against.

Incidentally this group of fifty or so Republicans is a very similar group of forty or so Republicans that scored 100% on voting for spending cuts during the crafting of the 2011 budget bill.  So perhaps my title is a bit misleading because it seems that around 25% are indeed serious about our rising debt, inflation and final servitude.

You may be wondering why Republicans opposed this recent measure considering it included 6 Billion in cuts over 3 weeks.  Because Congress is turning into more of a circus than it has been for the past several years.  There is no real leadership and no real guidance from positions of power.  John Boehner and Eric Cantor are too timid to take a strong stance most likely because they do not want to relive the Gingrich shutdown of the 90s.  Obama has been virtually MIA and more occupied with college basketball.  Harry Reid out of principle will bemoan and squeal over any meaningful cuts because it is both against his religious principles and against the recommendation of Goldman Sachs who warned that cutting Federal spending will take a hit on the economy.  See, some of hear this Goldman warning and think how utterly screwed up America is when our central planning masters have gotten us to such a point where our entire existence depends on our Politburo Washington DC to dispense crisp Federal Reserve Notes.  Nope, for Harry Reid and Senate Democrats this warning is music to their ears.

This basically means we are down to a handful of Senators (think Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jim DeMint) and about forty to fifty House Republicans to steer this ship right.  Well this just will not happen because their numbers are too low to make a difference.  Sadly for us the remaining Republican caucus is too busy playing nice and securing themselves a stronger political advantage come 2012.  In order to illustrate just how dangerous and silly this political game is, let us take a look at a wonderfully short and concise video from the Cato Institute.  Yes, I know, Cato is partially funded by the satanic and evil Koch brothers who are out to take over the world by .. err ... reducing Federal spending.  I know that failed in the logic department, but that is what I get for perusing through the Huffington Post.



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