OWS is a hard left movement. Warning: Graphic imagery.

I have been getting some push back recently for my previous articles where I accuse the OWS/Occupy movement of being a bunch of socialist nutters.  In fairness, I have also called them anarchists (socialists in disguise), Truthers/conspiracy fringe (they will protest regardless) and *even* regular people too.   However it would be foolish to consider this movement as some kind of representation of middle class America, that it most surely is not.

Does it make me some right-wing extremist?  No, I am simply making observations on the mountains of visual and audio data that is streaming from around the world.  The comparisons with the Tea Party are absolutely laughable and simply shows how clueless people are when it comes to identifying basic ideological differences.  Just because the Tea Party and OWS happen to object to TARP means absolutely diddly squat.  It's like saying that Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders are ideologically compatible because they both oppose the Federal Reserve.  At that rate, Obama is identical to Jim DeMint else because they both prefer oxygen.

See, Tea Partiers, before they got hijacked by Republicans were against TARP because it disrespected Capitalism and was a clear sign of cronyism.  OWS is pissed off over TARP because it just happened to benefit the "enemy" which in this case happens to be wealthy bankers.  Normal rational people do not hate or dislike successful people just because they have more, they dislike them when they no longer play by the rules.  Capitalism is all about rules and playing the game within the confines of the laws established by the people.  OWS could care less about capitalism, always favored socialism and hate the rich - they are just using this crisis as a staging platform.

Remember folks, OWS started first and foremost AGAINST budget cuts during the debt ceiling negotiations.  That is right, despite being broke and being crushed by our mounting debt - the OWS movement organized itself against Federal budget cuts!  Any libertarian who supports this absurd movement is siding with people who are fundamentally against limited Government.  It is pathetic.

In case you are skeptical of my claims, observe the collection of pictures from various OWS movements around the world.

Then go over and watch a video of two clueless fools calling for Socialism while presenting North Korea as their model of success.

Calls for left wing coups.  Wonderful.

( Lovely poster, what does it remind you of?)



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