Phil Berg on Michael Savage

Michael Savage mp3

I am still skeptical about this whole case, but apparently the judge is expected to rule soon.

My skepticism is rooted in the fact that many cases have of similar nature have been struck down on the grounds that people do not have standing. Berg technically should have no standing to file this suit and I am afraid that this is how the ruling will come down.

BUT, if by some miracle, if there is any sanity left in this country and Judge Surrick rules in favor of Berg, then we got a story. At this point it is reasonable to assume that Obama is hiding something. I assume he is hiding something because fighitng a lawsuit for 2 months instead of showing a document seems silly.

Oh yeah, Berg also tried to sue George Bush alledging a 9/11 conspiracy.

I feel silly clinging to this "right-wing conspiracy" loony toon, but it has a lot of potential - as opposed to that idiotic african press international garbage.


  1. metro 0ct24-26, 2008,page-bottom, left:
    biden in hiding (with such a face!).
    Politico reports that Joe Biden has become harder to speak with for reporters than Palin.
    Don't worry, he'll have the next four years to say stupid things.
    Ha! This confirms his nick-name 'Attacking dog'if you read a little piece down.
    Obama. Colin Powel goes against the fellow military vet McCain to support Obama. Obama considers replacing Biden with powel.

  2. Metro paper - liberal propaganda above all means, distributed free! in the huge quantities all over the Boston area.
    In oct24-26 edition, page 07 at the bottom -Obama lawsuit is a pure fiction.
    There is simple reason why you aren't reading about lawsuit Berg vs. Obama's citizenship. It's a pure fantasy. Obama was born in Hawaii, therefore he's a US citizen.
    Hutch Beverly, New York.


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