Back to the oven?

An angry muslim woman in Florida, shouted at a group of Israel supporters to "go back to the oven" - fully outfitted with standard muslim regalia. She was not the only anti-Israeli protestor to call for extermination of Jews and even though the organizer for the event denounced the woman's words he quickly added that Israelis are "barbaric" and "racist".

What troubles me the most is when the Israeli conflict broke out, I wrote about the first reaction that I anticipated coming down the pipe would indeed be more anti-semitism. According to the article anti-Jewish protests have been on the rise all over America.

I find it ironic that Israelis have been accused of being Nazis, racists, murderers and then virtually in the same breath wishing a reincarnation of the Nazi crimes? Beyond not making much sense, it is an illustration that the protestors are swelling with hate and hate does not usually coincide with rational thought.

Where were those people when thousands of rockets were flying into Israel years ago? Where were the protestors when hundreds of civilians died and thousands injured? Where was the protest when certain Israeli civililans lived with rocket fire virtually on a daily basis, in utter fear? Where was the international community to condemn the actions of Hamas and the Palestinians who silently supported them? NOWHERE.

Because the world is divided. There is the European contigency and their Arab interests and then there is Israel and the United States. Unfortunately the numbers are very much against the Israelis and Americans.

This is just yet another disturbing development in an all too predictable global breakdown.


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