Stimulus watch.
I will be providing regular updates on tonight's stimulus bill discussions, given the fact that this monstrosity might be voted on tonight.
UPDATE: Pretty clear that this will not be voted on tonight, Reid has pushed for a special weekend session. Amendments incoming, stay tuned.
2:00pm - Vote officially pushed off until Monday, both sides will debate the bill for several hours.
11:26 - Signing out folks, few random amendments left, will check in tomorrow. Good night!
11:25 - Harry Reid realizes that they will not finish by 12 and is proposing to meet tomorrow to debate the merits of the bill.
11:22 - Results incoming, all Republicans voting AYE. Most Democrats voting NAY. I cannot believe how many Democrats are handing over 4.1 Billion of taxpayer money to ACORN. Why does this have to be a partisan issue? ACORN is a group that destabilizes our voting process and compromises our country's law and order. They were intimately involved in the sub-prime scandal and should be dismantled, not given more money. If there is one thing that should outrage you the most, it's this particular provision.
AYE 45 NAY 51, Amendment struck down - ACORN will get their 4.1 Billion.
11:03 - David Vitter (R-LA) Proposed amendment to strip the 4.1 Billion designed for ACORN on the grounds that ACORN is an awful and disgusting organization acting in a partisan fashion. Dick Durbin stood up in defense of ACORN citing that this organization helped during Katrina and therefore should be rewarded. They helped in New Orleans? Oh yeah, that place is looking real nice these days, good job ACORN! What the hell is wrong with Durbin? Has he been living under a giant rock this entire time? Acorn is being indicted in over 10 states for unprecedented voter fraud registration and they have been found guilty on numerous charges. This is just sickening. Props to Vitter for bringing this up. Roll call being taken right now on this amendment.
11:01 - Cantwell amendment passed by voice vote.
10:45 - Cantwell (D-WA) amendment proposed to stimulate manufacturing for alternative energy citing that America is lagging behind in this technology. Jeff Sessions speaks out objecting that this amendment violates a certain resolution and should be not in this particular stimuluss bill, but Cantwell quickly cites a 1974 Act supporting her action and they move to a 10 minute vote.
10:42 - AYE 47/NAY49 amendment struck down by a very close vote!
10:28 - Grassley amendment proposed to flatten out the medicaid subsidies such that no state gets more than another state. Opposed strongly by Democrats stating that in the future this is an absolute requirement. Roll call taken.
10:25 - Martinez (R-FL)/Dodd (D-CT) amendment proposed to use TARP money for foreclosure mitigation. Bob Corker raises objection that using TARP money is a serious violation of the original intention of TARP, suggesting that it was supposed to be a loan intended to be paid back to the taxpayers. Dodd retorts that the TARP was supposed to help foreclosures and it failed to do so, so now he is taking it upon himself to help foreclosures. Voice votes taken, AYEs took it, Amendment passed.
10:22 - Results announced, almost every Republican AYE, almost every Democrat NAY.
Amendment is struck down 39-57, Graham is seen jumping out the window.
9:58 - Conrad(D-ND)/Graham(R-SC) amendment proposed to help housing, supposedly to prevent 1.5 million foreclosures. They are using money originally intended to be spent on STD prevention and smoking cessation. Chuck Schumer opposes the amendment suggesting that TARP3 will take care of it, Baucus adds that this will just complicate matters (another monkey wrench reference) and also urges that this amendment fails. Graham is having an emotional breakdown somewhere in the corner. Votes being counted.
9:53 - Jeff Sessions is upset that his amendment is being left out, Reid tells him to wait, Sessions astutely points out that if not now, then when? Reid dismissed the nuisance and tells Sessions to hold his horsies and he will TAKE CARE OF IT.
9:50 - Harry Reid is speaking and proposing that all amendments proposed today are to be voted on right now with 2 minute debate for each.
9:20 - Still nothing, although Harry Reid is now eyeing the possibility of a weekend session to finish things up.
8:59 - Debate is over, roll call time.
8:57 - Harry Reid shows his age by announcing that he arrived in the Senate with McCain 27 years ago and how impressed he is with the leadership that he sometimes sees from the maverick. McCain responds with pleasantries and tells Harry that they appreciate the hard work he is doing. Good job maverick, way to be civil. Can I remind you that Harry complained 1 hour ago about having a debate in the first place? Political correctness is so lame.
8:56 - McCain ridicules Obama for predicting that the bill will pass with 80 votes. Then points out that the senate has a very low approval rating and warns that TARP3 and other bills will be a very challenging time, still he wants to work together and actually act in a bi-partisan manner. Can't we all just get along!? McCain exits by saying that Reid allowed many amendments and therefore he is not a complete loser.
8:53 - McCain is doing wrap up from the Republican side. Apparently he must have taken a Xanax a few minutes ago because he appears to be much calmer.
8:51 - Sessions mentions the CBO report from yesterday and that in 10 years our GDP will be less than if we had no bill at all! Too bad the GOP have been hammering that notion all day long and the Democrats either do not know what the CBO is or simply do not care what might happen in 10 years.
8:50 - Jeff Sessions (AL) is speaking in a hypnotic and harmonic fashion, while thanking McCain for his leadership, stating that tax cuts is something he agrees with. *phew*
8:49 - Mel Martinez states that he can no longer support the bill and he is still waiting to see a compromise. Oh snap, that is a direct attack on the gang. JoeyL officially broke down from the verbal abuse. Specter demands the jacket back.
8:47 - Johanns picks up the bill and barely leafs through it, pointing out that it is a very heavy and long book to read. Coburn is supervising and occasionally nods in approval. Martinez takes the floor out of nowhere, Johanns is young and nimble.
8:45 - Mike Johanns (NE) takes the floor and announces that he is the new boy on the block and he is exhausted from taking soooooo many damn votes.
8:43 - Graham makes fun of the gang and their "best we could do" attitude. I know this guy is a RINO, but this is gold! Pulling a Coburnesque prophetic move, Graham predicts TARP3 on Monday and states that TARP1 was hard and TARP2 was tough, therefore TARP3 will be impossible. He takes a deep sigh and almost sent chills down my spine saying that the American people are fed up with him, fed up with the senate and that he just hopes to god that somehow we will pull through this. I am not laughing anymore, he looks defeated.
8:40 - Graham recycled some previous material but sounds as if someone just passed away. Something to the tune of American people being screwed, Democrats are stupid, process sucking and that his dear friends (Specter, Collins) are basically douche bags.
8:38 - Lindsey Graham (SC) popped up and announced that he loves JoeyL to death. Ok, enough hugging and kissing, time for fightin'. Lindsey warns Obama to NOT make the same speech he made yesterday, ever again!! Woweee, demz fightin' words.
8:34 - Coburn plays nice and claims that Obama is his close personal friend. Wtf? That was random. He then continues by saying that "this body works on the power of 60" while holding his hand to the sky. Very poignant and powerful.
8:33 - Coburn renamed the 2009 Economy Recovery act to Generational Theft Bill. I think he should propose a motion for an official name change. Thune accuses Coburn of copyright infringement.
8:32- Tom Coburn (OK) has taken the floor and with a smirk announces that he KNEW they were going to be debating this tonight. I am personally impressed with his prophetic attitude.
A la Nostradamus, Coburn predicts that every American will get a $12,000 surcharge added to them because of this bill. Lindsey Graham is sitting behind him in a dream state, relishing the opportunity that the Democrats have handed the GOP.
8:30 - Thune is continuing to be a goody two shoes and using facts. Mentioning that there are 535 members of congress. Out of those 535 only two republicans are actually supporting the bill, he then makes a painful conclusion that this is probably NOT a bi-partisan effort. I am fearing for his life.
8:27 - John Thune is pointing out what has now become a reality, the bill is larger than the one passed by the House. Specter is pulling out his calculator, Nelson is scratching his head. JoeyL is making threatening gestures.
8:24 - John Thune (SD) is speaking. Thune opens his speech by saying that this is the largest generational transfer of wealth in history. I think I got that right, not sure, some kind of fancy talk that probably really pissed off the Gang. Watch your back Thune.
8:23 - Jon Kyl (AR) is speaking. Kyl has brought to evidence that the 780B number is a farce. Turns out that there are some hidden amendments not mentioned and that the actual total is 826B, which is higher than the House's bill. Kyl then asks why pell grants are a part of a stimulus bill? Good question, I have no idea. Before I procure an answer he asks why is there 6 billion allocated for special education and how long will it take to train a special ed. teacher? Christ, Jon, I DONT KNOW. Stop asking hard questions, why dont you go punch Arlen Specter in the stomach for being a rat? Either way, Jon Kyl is planning to take some time to read this bill - so much for tonight's vote?
8:19 - McCain has not taken a breath yet and now grilling the Senate for rejecting amendments that he supported. Specifically a trigger that would cause a spending halt once America experiences two positive GDP quarters in a row. His specific question was "Why in the world was this not passed?". He then throws off his device while saying "If this bill passes, it will be a very bad day in America". *BRAVO* 5 stars!
8:17 - McCain just rode in on his horse sporting a 6 shooter and his maverick t-shirt. He is visibly angry and fired up. I am digging this. He just blasted the gang by making fun of their bi-partisanship by pointing out that two republican senators does not constitute bi-partisanship! Hah, you go boy! Then mentions that 0 Republicans supported in the house, just in case the long nights fried everyone's brain and they forgot. Who would have thought that CSPAN could be so much fun!
8:13 - McConnell yields the floor to McCain and exits by saying that he is still skeptical and refuses to acccept the billl.
8:12 - Mitch McConnell aka monkey wrench is now speaking. Finally pointing out that the size of the bill is pretty much the same as the one the House passed. Duh? Gang is giving him dirty looks and cracking their nuckles. Mitch is continuing to piss them off by pointing out that factoring in the interest to be paid on the bill, the total is over 1 trillion.
8:07 - Lieberman suggested that the rest of the time be spent on debate, at which point Harry Reid provides a sermon reminding that time for debate will be available during future bills. He is skeptical of the new gang member JoeyL and fears he might be throwing a monkey wrench into the process. Damn those debaters and ability to expose the BS that they call a "bi-partisan" effort. Since when is 15 Democrats and 3 Republicans a bi-partisan effort?
8:05 - Lieberman continues thanking his colleagues, I think they are starting to get embarrassed. He mentions that the economic indicators are getting worse every single day and that these compassionate gang members just want to pass SOMETHING. I am glad that they are taking their job seriously and really thinking about this long and hard. It's just 780B, not a big deal.
8:01 - Lieberman laments about his childhood and regrets not joining a gang, now he is once again thanking his colleagues about letting him join the gang of 18. Finally he can feel loved and accepted! I am waiting for them to pull out jackets and administer wedgies to Mitch McConnell.
7:58 - Lieberman spends most of his time thanking his colleagues, guess he forgave them for being stabbed in the back. He is confident and is very happy that they can finally save America from the apocalypse that is approaching us. He so far has not provided any details on what exactly he provided, other than cutting out some 'non-stimulating' details. If he was cutting out the non-stimulating portion of the bill, I think that would leave the binding and maybe the cover page.
7:52 - Specter is now defending leaving 13 billion for 'special' education because it is a federal mandate. Also leaving child care money, I guess SCHIP was not enough. He then proudly announced that the bill has been reduced by 140 billion dollars! Then before departing admits the bill is a "bad bill", but regrettably mumbled that it was truly the best they can do. Gee, thanks. I am glad I am paying YOUR salary.
7:51 - Specter admits that certain items in the bill are giving him heartburn. Perhaps he should stop snacking on the pages he does not like, although I understand that hunger sets in late at night.
7:50pm - Specter is now speaking. I am developing a strong dislike towards this man and believe he should be removed in 2010. Hope some Pennsylvanians are paying attention, although they DID re-elect Murtha. Anyway, Specter is providing evidence from some chamber that support the bill. Mind you all day they have been stating that "economists agree" or "economists disagree", but would usually add vague generalities like..."ALL economists agree"..etc. How about a Rasmussen poll that suggests support for the bill is down to 37%? American people do NOT want this!!
7:45pm - Collins is now speaking. She decided to remind the people once more that they cut over 100 billion. I think they are tired, because it sounds stupid. She then went on to say that they are trying to improve the electrical grid, provide money to education for disadvantaged students and pell grants. That is all nice, but how is that a stimulus? She mentioned tax relief for the middle class, but did not actually provide details. What tax relief? Credit checks? USELESS! Collins sounds tired and parroting Nelson, nothing interesting.
7:35pm - Nelson proudly announces that the bill is now 780 billion and that they cut over 100 billion worth of pork. What!? When they got the bill it was 819 billion, they were the ones that added all sorts of junk to it. He has got to be kidding. Its like a car salesman who jacks up his cars by 1 million dollars, then slashes it by 900,000 and claims its a 90% sale. Idiotic.
7:30pm - Harry Reid is showing uncertainty and suggested that it might be voted on tomorrow. He wanted the four architects of the revised bill to speak; Nelson, Specter, Collins and Lieberman.
UPDATE: Pretty clear that this will not be voted on tonight, Reid has pushed for a special weekend session. Amendments incoming, stay tuned.
2:00pm - Vote officially pushed off until Monday, both sides will debate the bill for several hours.
11:26 - Signing out folks, few random amendments left, will check in tomorrow. Good night!
11:25 - Harry Reid realizes that they will not finish by 12 and is proposing to meet tomorrow to debate the merits of the bill.
11:22 - Results incoming, all Republicans voting AYE. Most Democrats voting NAY. I cannot believe how many Democrats are handing over 4.1 Billion of taxpayer money to ACORN. Why does this have to be a partisan issue? ACORN is a group that destabilizes our voting process and compromises our country's law and order. They were intimately involved in the sub-prime scandal and should be dismantled, not given more money. If there is one thing that should outrage you the most, it's this particular provision.
AYE 45 NAY 51, Amendment struck down - ACORN will get their 4.1 Billion.
11:03 - David Vitter (R-LA) Proposed amendment to strip the 4.1 Billion designed for ACORN on the grounds that ACORN is an awful and disgusting organization acting in a partisan fashion. Dick Durbin stood up in defense of ACORN citing that this organization helped during Katrina and therefore should be rewarded. They helped in New Orleans? Oh yeah, that place is looking real nice these days, good job ACORN! What the hell is wrong with Durbin? Has he been living under a giant rock this entire time? Acorn is being indicted in over 10 states for unprecedented voter fraud registration and they have been found guilty on numerous charges. This is just sickening. Props to Vitter for bringing this up. Roll call being taken right now on this amendment.
11:01 - Cantwell amendment passed by voice vote.
10:45 - Cantwell (D-WA) amendment proposed to stimulate manufacturing for alternative energy citing that America is lagging behind in this technology. Jeff Sessions speaks out objecting that this amendment violates a certain resolution and should be not in this particular stimuluss bill, but Cantwell quickly cites a 1974 Act supporting her action and they move to a 10 minute vote.
10:42 - AYE 47/NAY49 amendment struck down by a very close vote!
10:28 - Grassley amendment proposed to flatten out the medicaid subsidies such that no state gets more than another state. Opposed strongly by Democrats stating that in the future this is an absolute requirement. Roll call taken.
10:25 - Martinez (R-FL)/Dodd (D-CT) amendment proposed to use TARP money for foreclosure mitigation. Bob Corker raises objection that using TARP money is a serious violation of the original intention of TARP, suggesting that it was supposed to be a loan intended to be paid back to the taxpayers. Dodd retorts that the TARP was supposed to help foreclosures and it failed to do so, so now he is taking it upon himself to help foreclosures. Voice votes taken, AYEs took it, Amendment passed.
10:22 - Results announced, almost every Republican AYE, almost every Democrat NAY.
Amendment is struck down 39-57, Graham is seen jumping out the window.
9:58 - Conrad(D-ND)/Graham(R-SC) amendment proposed to help housing, supposedly to prevent 1.5 million foreclosures. They are using money originally intended to be spent on STD prevention and smoking cessation. Chuck Schumer opposes the amendment suggesting that TARP3 will take care of it, Baucus adds that this will just complicate matters (another monkey wrench reference) and also urges that this amendment fails. Graham is having an emotional breakdown somewhere in the corner. Votes being counted.
9:53 - Jeff Sessions is upset that his amendment is being left out, Reid tells him to wait, Sessions astutely points out that if not now, then when? Reid dismissed the nuisance and tells Sessions to hold his horsies and he will TAKE CARE OF IT.
9:50 - Harry Reid is speaking and proposing that all amendments proposed today are to be voted on right now with 2 minute debate for each.
9:20 - Still nothing, although Harry Reid is now eyeing the possibility of a weekend session to finish things up.
8:59 - Debate is over, roll call time.
8:57 - Harry Reid shows his age by announcing that he arrived in the Senate with McCain 27 years ago and how impressed he is with the leadership that he sometimes sees from the maverick. McCain responds with pleasantries and tells Harry that they appreciate the hard work he is doing. Good job maverick, way to be civil. Can I remind you that Harry complained 1 hour ago about having a debate in the first place? Political correctness is so lame.
8:56 - McCain ridicules Obama for predicting that the bill will pass with 80 votes. Then points out that the senate has a very low approval rating and warns that TARP3 and other bills will be a very challenging time, still he wants to work together and actually act in a bi-partisan manner. Can't we all just get along!? McCain exits by saying that Reid allowed many amendments and therefore he is not a complete loser.
8:53 - McCain is doing wrap up from the Republican side. Apparently he must have taken a Xanax a few minutes ago because he appears to be much calmer.
8:51 - Sessions mentions the CBO report from yesterday and that in 10 years our GDP will be less than if we had no bill at all! Too bad the GOP have been hammering that notion all day long and the Democrats either do not know what the CBO is or simply do not care what might happen in 10 years.
8:50 - Jeff Sessions (AL) is speaking in a hypnotic and harmonic fashion, while thanking McCain for his leadership, stating that tax cuts is something he agrees with. *phew*
8:49 - Mel Martinez states that he can no longer support the bill and he is still waiting to see a compromise. Oh snap, that is a direct attack on the gang. JoeyL officially broke down from the verbal abuse. Specter demands the jacket back.
8:47 - Johanns picks up the bill and barely leafs through it, pointing out that it is a very heavy and long book to read. Coburn is supervising and occasionally nods in approval. Martinez takes the floor out of nowhere, Johanns is young and nimble.
8:45 - Mike Johanns (NE) takes the floor and announces that he is the new boy on the block and he is exhausted from taking soooooo many damn votes.
8:43 - Graham makes fun of the gang and their "best we could do" attitude. I know this guy is a RINO, but this is gold! Pulling a Coburnesque prophetic move, Graham predicts TARP3 on Monday and states that TARP1 was hard and TARP2 was tough, therefore TARP3 will be impossible. He takes a deep sigh and almost sent chills down my spine saying that the American people are fed up with him, fed up with the senate and that he just hopes to god that somehow we will pull through this. I am not laughing anymore, he looks defeated.
8:40 - Graham recycled some previous material but sounds as if someone just passed away. Something to the tune of American people being screwed, Democrats are stupid, process sucking and that his dear friends (Specter, Collins) are basically douche bags.
8:38 - Lindsey Graham (SC) popped up and announced that he loves JoeyL to death. Ok, enough hugging and kissing, time for fightin'. Lindsey warns Obama to NOT make the same speech he made yesterday, ever again!! Woweee, demz fightin' words.
8:34 - Coburn plays nice and claims that Obama is his close personal friend. Wtf? That was random. He then continues by saying that "this body works on the power of 60" while holding his hand to the sky. Very poignant and powerful.
8:33 - Coburn renamed the 2009 Economy Recovery act to Generational Theft Bill. I think he should propose a motion for an official name change. Thune accuses Coburn of copyright infringement.
8:32- Tom Coburn (OK) has taken the floor and with a smirk announces that he KNEW they were going to be debating this tonight. I am personally impressed with his prophetic attitude.
A la Nostradamus, Coburn predicts that every American will get a $12,000 surcharge added to them because of this bill. Lindsey Graham is sitting behind him in a dream state, relishing the opportunity that the Democrats have handed the GOP.
8:30 - Thune is continuing to be a goody two shoes and using facts. Mentioning that there are 535 members of congress. Out of those 535 only two republicans are actually supporting the bill, he then makes a painful conclusion that this is probably NOT a bi-partisan effort. I am fearing for his life.
8:27 - John Thune is pointing out what has now become a reality, the bill is larger than the one passed by the House. Specter is pulling out his calculator, Nelson is scratching his head. JoeyL is making threatening gestures.
8:24 - John Thune (SD) is speaking. Thune opens his speech by saying that this is the largest generational transfer of wealth in history. I think I got that right, not sure, some kind of fancy talk that probably really pissed off the Gang. Watch your back Thune.
8:23 - Jon Kyl (AR) is speaking. Kyl has brought to evidence that the 780B number is a farce. Turns out that there are some hidden amendments not mentioned and that the actual total is 826B, which is higher than the House's bill. Kyl then asks why pell grants are a part of a stimulus bill? Good question, I have no idea. Before I procure an answer he asks why is there 6 billion allocated for special education and how long will it take to train a special ed. teacher? Christ, Jon, I DONT KNOW. Stop asking hard questions, why dont you go punch Arlen Specter in the stomach for being a rat? Either way, Jon Kyl is planning to take some time to read this bill - so much for tonight's vote?
8:19 - McCain has not taken a breath yet and now grilling the Senate for rejecting amendments that he supported. Specifically a trigger that would cause a spending halt once America experiences two positive GDP quarters in a row. His specific question was "Why in the world was this not passed?". He then throws off his device while saying "If this bill passes, it will be a very bad day in America". *BRAVO* 5 stars!
8:17 - McCain just rode in on his horse sporting a 6 shooter and his maverick t-shirt. He is visibly angry and fired up. I am digging this. He just blasted the gang by making fun of their bi-partisanship by pointing out that two republican senators does not constitute bi-partisanship! Hah, you go boy! Then mentions that 0 Republicans supported in the house, just in case the long nights fried everyone's brain and they forgot. Who would have thought that CSPAN could be so much fun!
8:13 - McConnell yields the floor to McCain and exits by saying that he is still skeptical and refuses to acccept the billl.
8:12 - Mitch McConnell aka monkey wrench is now speaking. Finally pointing out that the size of the bill is pretty much the same as the one the House passed. Duh? Gang is giving him dirty looks and cracking their nuckles. Mitch is continuing to piss them off by pointing out that factoring in the interest to be paid on the bill, the total is over 1 trillion.
8:07 - Lieberman suggested that the rest of the time be spent on debate, at which point Harry Reid provides a sermon reminding that time for debate will be available during future bills. He is skeptical of the new gang member JoeyL and fears he might be throwing a monkey wrench into the process. Damn those debaters and ability to expose the BS that they call a "bi-partisan" effort. Since when is 15 Democrats and 3 Republicans a bi-partisan effort?
8:05 - Lieberman continues thanking his colleagues, I think they are starting to get embarrassed. He mentions that the economic indicators are getting worse every single day and that these compassionate gang members just want to pass SOMETHING. I am glad that they are taking their job seriously and really thinking about this long and hard. It's just 780B, not a big deal.
8:01 - Lieberman laments about his childhood and regrets not joining a gang, now he is once again thanking his colleagues about letting him join the gang of 18. Finally he can feel loved and accepted! I am waiting for them to pull out jackets and administer wedgies to Mitch McConnell.
7:58 - Lieberman spends most of his time thanking his colleagues, guess he forgave them for being stabbed in the back. He is confident and is very happy that they can finally save America from the apocalypse that is approaching us. He so far has not provided any details on what exactly he provided, other than cutting out some 'non-stimulating' details. If he was cutting out the non-stimulating portion of the bill, I think that would leave the binding and maybe the cover page.
7:52 - Specter is now defending leaving 13 billion for 'special' education because it is a federal mandate. Also leaving child care money, I guess SCHIP was not enough. He then proudly announced that the bill has been reduced by 140 billion dollars! Then before departing admits the bill is a "bad bill", but regrettably mumbled that it was truly the best they can do. Gee, thanks. I am glad I am paying YOUR salary.
7:51 - Specter admits that certain items in the bill are giving him heartburn. Perhaps he should stop snacking on the pages he does not like, although I understand that hunger sets in late at night.
7:50pm - Specter is now speaking. I am developing a strong dislike towards this man and believe he should be removed in 2010. Hope some Pennsylvanians are paying attention, although they DID re-elect Murtha. Anyway, Specter is providing evidence from some chamber that support the bill. Mind you all day they have been stating that "economists agree" or "economists disagree", but would usually add vague generalities like..."ALL economists agree"..etc. How about a Rasmussen poll that suggests support for the bill is down to 37%? American people do NOT want this!!
7:45pm - Collins is now speaking. She decided to remind the people once more that they cut over 100 billion. I think they are tired, because it sounds stupid. She then went on to say that they are trying to improve the electrical grid, provide money to education for disadvantaged students and pell grants. That is all nice, but how is that a stimulus? She mentioned tax relief for the middle class, but did not actually provide details. What tax relief? Credit checks? USELESS! Collins sounds tired and parroting Nelson, nothing interesting.
7:35pm - Nelson proudly announces that the bill is now 780 billion and that they cut over 100 billion worth of pork. What!? When they got the bill it was 819 billion, they were the ones that added all sorts of junk to it. He has got to be kidding. Its like a car salesman who jacks up his cars by 1 million dollars, then slashes it by 900,000 and claims its a 90% sale. Idiotic.
7:30pm - Harry Reid is showing uncertainty and suggested that it might be voted on tomorrow. He wanted the four architects of the revised bill to speak; Nelson, Specter, Collins and Lieberman.
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